Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chili Dog Sunday

Sunday started out the same as most Sunday's do for me.  Early church service and then home to prepare dinner for the  family.  Most of the time we have your traditional roast and potatoes or an occasional pasta dish.  But a few weeks ago I discovered through a dinner put together from left overs that my family liked chili dogs.  That is why on this Sunday we are having a Chili Dog Sunday.  Two pounds of ground beef for the chili , two packages of hot dogs and buns, and cheese sauce on the side. I can't forget Kenny's not so sweet, sweet tea !

After everyone had satisfied their hot dog craving there was a joint effort in the kitchen clean up.  I have a good crew to pitch in and help.  We even have a good time doing the dishes...

Now that the kitchen was clean we could get on to the really important things of the day !!! Play Time !!

I always enjoy having the family over to eat, that is usually all we ever get together and do....sometimes we play the Wii but not without food before or after...ha ha ! Hope everyone had a great Chili Dog Sunday !  I sure did ......Letty


  1. Becky, we did have fun. I look forward to Sunday's lunch time. All my little chicks running around my feet !!

  2. Awe. We Love Chili Dogs, Yum Yum! looks like your a blesses Lady!

    God Bless,
    Candace Skarda
